Technical Information & Security

Our products

Our solutions integrate fully with your electronic health record system, creating a fully digital record that supports accurate billing and submission of claims data from hospital to insurer.

Our products are bespoke. We customise the interface to meet the needs of the particular user, depending on their role within your organisation, and ensure that only the most relevant information is displayed

Integration with clinical systems

Medosync is fully interoperable with hospital and clinical systems. We use HL7 data standards, internationally recognised standards on the movement of data between clinical systems.

For insurers, interoperability with systems enables simple receipt of structured billing data from hospitals through the Flow platform.

Our systems can receive or produce data in any structured file format, including as HL7, CSV, XML, JSON, et cetera, meaning that we can collate and transfer digital data through our API Services, enabling hospitals to track, tag, modify, message clinicians and submit claims in real time, all from one system.

Messaging function

For providers, the Medosync platform includes a built-in messaging function which enables individuals and teams to communicate on billing questions while ensuring that clinical and administrative data remains within the platform.


Using the MedoSync API, our solutions integrate seamlessly into our customers clinical and administrative systems. Our APIs are flexible and secure, enabling us to collect and submit customer data from provider to insurer in our customers' required format (XML, JSON, etc.).

Our commitment to data security and protection

The sensitivity and security of healthcare information is our highest priority. Our software has been designed with the highest levels of security in mind and we have a number of measures in place to ensure the effectiveness of our data controls, from both a technical and process perspective.

Our security measures have been externally validated, and we hold ISO 27001 certification, meaning that our information security management system has been audited and deemed to be effective.

Medosync is also ISO 27701 certified. Our policies and process for managing data privacy and GDPR have been externally audited. Our team receives regular training and our processes are regularly reviewed to ensure that we are compliant with our obligations under GDPR.